Your Twin Flame is practically sending out energy beams, trying to decipher the connection. It's like he's solving a mystery but with heart emojis involved. And guess what? You're the answer he's been looking for, the puzzle piece that completes the picture. He's not just thinking about today; he's daydreaming about tomorrow with you – the shared laughs, the inside jokes, the whole shebang.
Now, brace yourself for some real talk. He's not just into you; he's all in. He's contemplating the future, checking his life scorecard, and making sure his financial ducks are in a row. Why? Because he's prepping for the grand adventure with you. There's this undeniable urge, a hunger for your presence that's pushing him to close the gap. And here's the kicker: he's so done with any karmic entanglements or other folks. In his heart, nobody else holds a candle to the dazzling light that is you.