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Twin Flames ~ Love Is Your Natural State, Richer & Richer & Deeper & DeeperšŸŒ“

Writer's picture: Rachel CarroRachel Carro

šŸ§”šŸŖIs there a hiding energy within your Union? Are you feeling inhibited in terms of expressing yourself? Are you afraid of showing your true self? Give any anxiety the space to come up and out, it may stem from a childhood pattern of not having been able to express yourself, it's intrinsically connected to your Union. Healing out of that environment and acknowledging that pattern is going to help your Union. Love yourself in any place where you weren't allowed to be yourself. Nobody has the right to deny anyone their truth, nobody can tell you what you can and can't do, choose to take back your power here. It's between you and the Divine who you are, who you are created to be. This pattern can result in your Twin Flame feeling unable to admit their Love for you. Some people as children were perhaps obliged to express Love when they didn't want to, it's really about that freedom of expression, saying, "No, this is what my heart's saying and I honour it." It's about the truth that you are of the Divine.šŸ

šŸ’„šŸ’¢That's the reason for having your Union, it's so you can get on and love God's children, it's not for anything else, it's for that purpose, it's to love others, so if we're not doing it now, we're not on purpose. Not just in your immediate circle, it's the whole world, they're all God's children. Sometimes we feel we're going to be persecuted for loving, ego's not going to like it, but ego doesn't matter, ego can't hurt you. Lack of Love is lack of Love, it's safe to point it out, you can say, "It's not for me." Only when you say it's not for you do you get something better. Only when you realise one thing is crummy, that you can have the new thing. All growth comes from realising, "Hang on a minute, this isn't good for me." Remember, you're with the Divine always, there's no on-off switch. We can speak gently to the fears in others and bring them into a space where they can receive Love, if they're really in pain, act in a way that the Divine shows you.šŸ’–

šŸ’šŸ·Focus in on the most urgent feeling, if it feels like it's impossible to heal your Union, that's hopelessness. All we do is identify the feeling, we don't need to go into the story, we blow our noses and say, "OK, I've got the word." The next step is, ask yourself if hopelessness feels bad. Of course it does, so it must be ego, if it feels bad it's not Divine, hopelessness will never be true. Choose to surrender your relationship with hopelessness. By doing that, you stop giving power to that feeling, whenever it comes up, notice it, notice it feels bad, surrender it. Then you're taking your power away from that feeling, otherwise our energy goes into it. If something feels bad, it's an illusion. Let it go, it never can be the truth, the bad feeling's never real. What do you choose to receive in it's place? more than hope, your Union is inevitable, that's God's promise. God's promise isn't, "Well, you might have something from Me." God's promise is, "Yeah, it's yours, it's already yours.šŸŽ€

šŸŒŗšŸŒ·Don't feel bad for wanting your Union, it's perfectly natural to want to be with yourself and God, who put that desire in your heart. Choose to honour that desire. You didn't make this happen to yourself, you were invited on this journey. You weren't invited to have a bad time, you were invited to go deeper into Love by releasing everything that's not Love, which means you're cleansing yourself, you're cleansing consciousness. To cleanse, you must be able to see what it is we've been choosing that we don't want. And the moment we notice that bad feeling, we can say, "Hey, that can go." Whatever the bad feeling is, the opposite is always true. The ego brings us the opposite that Love is the only thing that's real. Love is your natural state so if you release what's not true you reveal your natural state. We let go of the old choice and bring in the new, more Love, more joy, we make space for it. You are powerful.šŸ©°

šŸ’œšŸ‡May people advise one to let go of their Twin, but in what way? What does letting go of your Twin Flame mean to you, because this is a great topic for everyone. What does it mean, let go of what? How does it feel to acknowledge the difference between the inner and the outer? Your Twin Flame is going to amplify any current upset. If you're uncomfortable now, you'll be more so with them, so it's about recognising that. If you're choosing compassion for yourself, you're choosing to have space to heal and come together when your Union's feeling more aligned to that. Some people don't choose that, they come into Union and experience a lot of contrast together, some are OK with that. Once it's aligned it becomes very easy, because God just steps in, we just have to recognise, "Where am I uncomfortable?" And make a new choice there. If something feels bad, it's not the Divine way, the Divine's way is easier. Effortless, that's what's meant by getting out of our own way, stop meddling in God's plans.ā˜”

šŸ’™šŸŒŒDon't pressure yourself to rush through your process or it'll never be completed, that sounds like an inner bully. It doesn't feel good, therefore it's not God's way and must be an illusion and the opposite must be true. What do you choose to receive when you release that relationship with fearmongering and scaring yourself? A whole lot of Love. It's not for you to bring your Union in, be gentle with yourself. It's just us holding back our Union, ask yourself, what keeps your Union away, what is the belief there. If you're afraid, for example, of being with your person, that will keep you distant. If you're afraid your Twin Flame doesn't love you, mirror it, say, "I'm afraid I don't love myself." But intimacy says, "Do you love me anyway? Even if I'm a mess? Even if I've got it wrong? Will you love me if I'm being angry? That's how we love our Twins, we love them regardless, we love ourselves regardless of what we're experiencing, we recognise our inner truth, we don't acknowledge the ego.šŸŒŠ

šŸ’ŽšŸŒWhat we've been learning on this journey is that ego feels bad, it's an illusion, it's never going to be true, the truth is that only Love is real. We have to heal to that tipping point where we really believe that. For a while we still believe the fear in some place in consciousness. We acknowledge the feeling and choose to let it go, this is the most compassionate way to heal, the minute we acknowledge the fear, the illusion, we let it go. Sometimes we need to learn as we go along, we don't see it the way it really is. That's really most of our trauma, we learn it's not that way. Love loves you, your Twin Flame loves you, you can be assured. All we're doing is healing all the parts of ourselves that don't feel that. The end of the journey isn't really when the Twin Flame comes in because they're just you and you've got the same irritating upsets. It's not like suddenly everything's well, it's a bit of an illusion to think so, but you do then have someone to share things with.šŸŒ…

šŸŒ„šŸƒAnd the mirror becomes amplified when together, so you have to be really really good at healing to be in the presence of your Twin Flame, you may know this already. It's pretty triggering, but you have to remember, these triggers aren't here to trip you up, you don't have to let go of your person, just let go of the fear. The way that you find the truth of your Twin flame, is to open up, to be more real, more honest, but not to spill everything, you don't have to go in and lay everything out on the table, you can just invite that person to be more honest with you, to go deeper emotionally, see what they do, see how they reveal themselves. Sometimes with Twin Flames you don't hear a peep from them because there's a block within, and sometimes they may seemingly step forward and you discover they're not really the person you thought they were, they were just pretending. You're only going to find out by moving into that revealing process, and in that process there's a lot of healing. Love is still present, Love is what you will receive.šŸŒ»

šŸŒµšŸˆYou're moving in the direction of coming closer to your truth. In the contrast you have received from your experiences, you can get really clear on what you want to call in. You can use all of these feelings, while they're fresh, to direct you. All our experiences are there to give us a very clear idea of what you want. Peace is power. Be aware of people trying to get a result through a high, that's not sustainable. Love through the filter of you, your life, your experiences and your creations, and when you do that, you'll be able to love naturally in a way aligned with your Purpose. When we connect to the Divine within, Union comes in effortlessly, it's just about connecting to the God within and stepping out of our own way. It's all already given. The Divine didn't make it difficult, it's just us trying to over work, over think etc etc. We have a pace, Divinely set, that feels good for us, it's OK to acknowledge that pace. It doesn't mean we're slow, it's just what's most compassionate.šŸŒ±

šŸ’›šŸŒžIf you think of the amount of feelings we move through in a week, if we went any faster, it may become really uncomfortable. So you have to understand, the Divine is only going to bring the challenges that we're ready to process. This is the best way possible, the journey has meaning. It's not an empty journey, it has meaning because the destination has huge meaning. The ego is in the future and the past, so the minute you catch yourself, bring yourself back to the now. You only need to be present now with the Divine. The Divine has a much better solution for everything, you can trust that. Realise what you don't want, have an idea of what you do want, be open, and allow the new to come in, and it'll get faster and faster and faster, just because there's a lot of surrender and trust. What you want wants you, it's coming for you, just get clear. Whoever God made you with is going to feel good. It's safe to explore whatever you're called to and get to know and reveal it.šŸŽ

šŸ§”šŸ”„You'll have all the Love and much more, you don't have to worry, you're never going to be short changed, you're going you get the right person and everyone will be happier. It's safe to have your desires come up, choose to honour and respect your desires. Tap into the Source of all Love. It's only ever going to be the Divine, even through others, through your Twin. Give yourself all the attention, all the listening, choose to be important to yourself. The Divine speaks to you through your heart, your desires are there to be made manifest. You heart will guide you in the right direction. Choose to forgive yourself for having believed in the illusion, recognise you're just learning, it's Ok to know now what you didn't know before. If your person is not communicating or doing this or that, just own the feeling, take responsibility for what's being mirrored, bring Love to yourself here, and recognise how you feel once that place has been healed. What's this person showing you next, and it's just one feeling at a time. Your person may open up a bit more or maybe you'll find that you're more peaceful.šŸ

šŸŒˆšŸ§§In the process of healing, you will reveal your person. You'll either feel no longer attracted once you've healed what they showed you, or it will deepen. You can place the image of your person in your heart right now, and see how they feel. Place the energy of the person you believe to be your Twin Flame or if you have a potential person, and you want to explore what that energy is and isn't in your heart, and see how your heart responds, how does it feel? You can use this tool anytime to check in, how does this person feel, usually there's an opening, expansive feeling with your Twin Flame, and a contracted feeling when it's not. You can trust that. You can trust that the Divine is pointing you in this direction. Honouring yourself, that's what you've been doing. Making new choices and healing. Your true Twin Flame will be benefitting, and they may or may not show that. Sometimes we get to see it, sometimes we don't. It's OK, it doesn't mean the healing is diminished, it doesn't mean it won't show itself, just keep going.šŸ’

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