Twin Flames Forever
Come Together With Your One True Love
Twin Flame Ascension Coaching, Card Readings.
I searched deep inside my heart, and there I found him, he was nowhere else. Rumi

Hello, this is my testimonial for the beautiful Rachel Carro!
I am so grateful that I claimed my session with Rachel as it has been such a pleasure working with her. I totally recommend working with her as a Twin Flame Coach. Before my session with her I was feeling anxious and overwhelmed and asking God what I should be healing in out session together and I somehow knew it was a calling for me to trust God even more here and go deeper even when I was feeling my resistance so strongly.
God guided me to heal my resistance to embrace my femininity more. We worked on s childhood trauma that I've been healing in layers at it was always playing out as separation in my consciousness and how I was constantly seeking this outside justice but this time Rachel lovingly guided me to have this lone awaited talk with myself and finally do her justice.
I loved how we were healing the layers of separation and it was a super high vibrational experience. I could feel I was upheaving already within my session with her. I am so grateful to Rachel for receiving me with such unconditional love and unwavering acceptance and for guiding me deeper into feeling all of my feelings. She is such a good listener and can immediately tune into what's really happening. And I am so glad that she was feeling it with me and it felt like teamwork and the more open she was, the further I could go with my healing. I loved how she was encouraging me to love myself without judgement, and to accept myself and the experiences I had co created with God.
And she is now fully embarking on her divine life purpose, I wish this beautiful soul all the best and she deserves to be a Twin Flame Coach at Twin Flame Ascension School!!!

Rachel is one of my favourite coaches to work with because she is rooted in spiritual truth and had incredible wisdom. She flawlessly guides me into my emotions to clear any misunderstanding. S and I always depart from our sessions feeling as though I healed layers of misalignment.
This feels peaceful, natural and often brings me to a state of bliss. I also feel there is always one or two nuggets of wisdom that help integrate the emotional healing we accomplish in each session. Thank you for your dedication to your work as I feel it in our sessions together.
Hello There. I’m Natalie. I have been working with Rachel Carro for 12 months now in weekly Coaching sessions. I am never bored with her brilliance and razor-sharp perceptiveness. Having studied her for a year…I’m convinced that her almost otherworldly wisdom is born in. She is more reflective and less intimidating than the average person. She appears to be an interpreter for the Spirit World. There are those those of us, like me, who encountering challenges in absorbing Spiritual Truths and Trusting in God’s Perfect Plan. We don’t realize how much we need a trusted Soul to gently, WITH FULL COMPREHENSION, explain what the actual f*^k is going on to us during the most painful days of Our Spiritual Journey. Rachel has this talent. Few have studied The Divine as intensely and frequently as Rachel. Her knowledge base is impressive, her talent stack is vast and her Compassion and Patience is that of a Saint. If you can Coach me, you can Coach Satan. Call Rachel sooner rather than later if you want real help and assistance on this confusing Journey back to God and Ourselves. Be Blessed!